What was that in Eddie Arkadian’s Tank?

In The Last Dragon, Eddie “The Arcade King” Arkadian keeps some sort of creature in a tank to intimidate his foes (or possibly make them disappear). It creeps the hell out him but he reluctantly keeps it around because as his henchmen, Rock, (played by Mike Starr- the mobster from Dumb and Dumber) reminds him “…it comes in handy”. A lot of people assume it’s piranhas but it looks to me like only one creature. A clear shot of the beast is never shown, it is intended to be and remains a mystery…

Is it some sort of fish? maybe a reptile? It definitely has fins, maybe scales, likes pig legs, and evil napoleon complex having arcade owning gangsters from Kew Gardens.

Christopher Murney Finally Reveals What’s in The Tank

**September 2019 Update**

When I found out that The Projections Booth Podcast was going to be interviewing Christopher Murney (the actor who played Eddie Arkadian) there was only one question I wanted them to ask!

“What was in The Tank?!?!”

I requested it, they asked and Murney answered. He said it was a metal pipe that he actually hit his face on. That’s why in one shot after Leroy pulls him from the tank you can see a cut near one of his eyebrows!

The episode also includes interviews with Taimak (Bruce Leroy), Mike Starr (Rock), Louis Venosta (writer) and Rupert Hitzig (Producer). Go give it a listen here!

So what do you think was in the Tank?

So the question remains, what do you think it is?

Let me know what you think in the comments section below, on Instagram @thelastglow , Twitter @TheLastGlow or on The Fan Tribute to The Last Dragon on Facebook

The Tank from The Last Dragon by Matt Zart
“The Tank” by Matt Hennen www.mattzart.blogspot.com
Bruce Leroy: "Hot Head Needs Cool Water"
source: Hoodmemes.com
Eddie Arkadian getting dunked into Tank by Leroy


Eddie Arkadian scared by his own creature in the tank


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12 thoughts on “What was that in Eddie Arkadian’s Tank?

  1. Piranhas! Actually, I’m going to have to watch it again, because I’m starting to think that maybe it was some kind of electric eel. It wasn’t until a couple of days ago when I was browsing movies from Blockbuster @Home that I found out this awesome movie exists. My boyfriend urged me to add it to my queue, and since I can rent as many movies as I want, one-disc at a time, for a flat monthly fee, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to watch something different. I loved it! I’m actually thinking of holding on to it for a couple more weeks, so I’m glad that I never have to worry about late fees.

    1. pretty obvious plug for BlockBuster@Home right there, but nice work working in some actual comments about the post, thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  2. It’s good to see that this comment thread lasted longer than Blockbuster @ Home.

    The tank was filled with lies and broken promises. I recognized it because my marriage was filled with the same thing, and was equally as destructive.

    *Drops Mic*

  3. I think it could have been a barcuda because it was ovesly big ate judging by the way it ate and barcuda only surface to atack

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